Steam refund policy
Steam refund policy

steam refund policy
  1. #Steam refund policy Pc
  2. #Steam refund policy mac

Of course, there's a bunch of extra missions to complete and collectibles to find as well, which will push the playtime into the 10-20 hours region. Imagine if they could refund their copy for that reason alone? When Ground Zeroes first launched, people scoffed at the fact you can finish the main mission in just an hour and a half.

#Steam refund policy Pc

And for such a low price, would you really be so cruel?īy Kojima Productions - buy on PC (£16.99)

steam refund policy

It would defeat the purpose of the game, sure, but it can be done.īy Mario von Rickenbach - buy on PC, Mac, and Linux (£1.99)Ī strangely sexually-charged puzzle game about people with plug sockets for heads, Plug & Play takes around 15 minutes to beat.īut to refund it would be spitting in the face of experimental games and the people who make them. The absolutely hilarious Stanley Parable has enough endings hidden within it could take you far more than two hours to find them all.īut those not dedicated enough to uncover every aspect of this surreal adventure can reach the "true" ending in about ten minutes.

#Steam refund policy mac

But you can easily get lost for hours trying to decipher all the metaphors littering the island.īy Galactic Cafe - buy on PC and Mac (£9.99) Reaching its conclusion takes around an hour, which might not seem long enough. The pseudo-random narrative and beautifully detailed environment make it a shining star of the genre. When you think of exploration games, you probably think of Dear Esther. Dinner Date is a well-crafted character study that will suck you in if you let it.īy thechineseroom & Robert Briscoe - buy on PC and Mac (£6.99) It's drawn a lot of flak from the Steam community for its lack of interactivity, but don't let that put you off. All you can do is perform tiny subconscious movements while your character monologues about his life. You can see everything in about two hours, or speedrun to the end in two minutes.Īnd because of its relatively high price tag, this could be a game that gets seriously harmed by the refund policy.īecause you can't directly influence the character in any way, Dinner Date takes exactly 25 minutes to complete. Gone Home is a quietly brilliant tale told by rifling through a family's belongings to discover what has happened in the past year or so. You monster.īy The Fullbright Company - buy on PC, Mac, and Linux (£14.99) We definitely do not condone refunding these games just because you completed them. With that in mind, we wanted to highlight some games that could be affected by this policy. Other times you realise your system can't handle the game.īut for games that are designed to be less than two hours long, this could lead to a huge hit on profits if people are feeling extremely naughty. Sometimes you spend outrageous sums on games you hate. With Steam's new refund policy, users can now ask for a refund on any game within two weeks of purchase, so long as they've played it for less than two hours.

Steam refund policy