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Remo more when downloading states in contains a virus

Less commonly, Reye syndrome may develop after infection with other viral agents, such as influenza A or rubella. The symptoms of Reye syndrome typically begin after a viral illness, particularly an upper respiratory infection (e.g, with influenza B virus) or, in some cases, chickenpox (varicella).

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Due to the potential association between the use of aspirin-containing agents and the development of Reye syndrome, it is advised that such medications be avoided for individuals under age 18 years who are affected by viral infections such as influenza or chickenpox. Associated symptoms and findings may include the sudden onset of severe, persistent vomiting elevated levels of certain liver enzymes in the blood (hepatic transaminases) unusually high amounts of ammonia in the blood (hyperammonemia) disturbances of consciousness sudden episodes of uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain (seizures) and/or other abnormalities, leading to potentially life-threatening complications in some cases. Although any organ system may be involved, Reye syndrome is primarily characterized by distinctive, fatty changes of the liver and sudden (acute) swelling of the brain (cerebral edema).

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However, there appears to be an association between the onset of Reye syndrome and the use of aspirin-containing medications (salicylates) in children or adolescents with certain viral illnesses, particularly upper respiratory tract infections (e.g., influenza B) or, in some cases, chickenpox (varicella). In rare cases, infants or young adults may be affected. It primarily affects individuals under 18 years of age, particularly children from approximately age four to 12 years. Reye syndrome is a rare disorder of childhood and adolescence.

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  • remo more when downloading states in contains a virus

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  • Remo more when downloading states in contains a virus